  • any
  • 1+ bedrooms
  • 2+ bedrooms
  • 3+ bedrooms
  • 4+ bedrooms
  • 5+ bedrooms
  • any
  • 1+ bathrooms
  • 2+ bathrooms
  • 3+ bathrooms
  • 4+ bathrooms
  • any
  • 1+ garage
  • 2+ garage
  • 3+ garage

Sherwood 43

 Clarendon Homes 
5 2.5

Paddington 32 MK11

 Clarendon Homes 
5 2.5

Boston 43

 Clarendon Homes 
5 2.5

Samford 32

 Clarendon Homes 

Lilyfield 34 MKII

 Clarendon Homes 

Lucca 35

5 2 2

Glendale 39

4 2 2

Waterford 51

5 3 2

Doulton 46

5 3 2

Noosaville 25

 Coral Homes 
4 2 2

Baltimore 38

 Coral Homes 
4 2.5 2


 Ownit Homes 
5 3 2


 Ownit Homes 
4 3 2


Arise Sales & Information Centre
1 Phoenix Street
Rochedale QLD 4123

Open 5 days – Monday to Wednesday 9am to 5pm; Saturday and Sunday 10am to 5pm (Closed Thursday and Friday).

Sam Chung 0435 126 962

T 07 3423 1797

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Pask is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988. Pask collects personal information for the purpose of providing you with its products and services. If your personal information is not provided, Pask may not be able to provide you with its products and services. By contacting Pask, you can request access to the personal information Pask holds about you and request not to be contacted by Pask for marketing purposes. Pask’s detailed notice of collection of personal information may be accessed at Personal information will be dealt with in accordance with the Pask Places for Generations 2022 privacy policy, available at

Commencement of bulk earthworks

Following receipt of all necessary approvals, Pask’s appointed civil contractor will mobilise to site to remove any existing structures and commence bulk earthworks.

Within this phase, machinery is used to shift large quantities of soil and rock, to enable the subsequent phases of the civil construction process to occur. To reduce waste, this material is often stockpiled and reused in the later phases.

Construction of sewer & drainage and installation of water & gas

Large trenches are excavated to allow for the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure. These works generally connect into and extend trunk infrastructure from existing areas, to then enable the creation of individual connection points for all lots within the stage.

Following the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure, water, recycled water, and gas (where applicable) services are installed.

Construction of roads, kerb, and channel

A foundation layer known as subgrade is placed to ensure the stability and durability of all roads within the stage.

This process is followed by the construction of kerb and channel – a structure located on both sides of the road, which will act as both a protective barrier and drainage system to manage stormwater flows.

Installation of electrical and communication infrastructure

Parallel to the newly completed kerb and channel, a trench is excavated to allow for the installation of electrical and communications conduits. This enables the installation of applicable cabling to follow, ensuring all lots are equipped for electrical and telecommunications services.

Construction of footpaths, asphalt to roads and topsoiling

With all underground infrastructure installed, footpaths are poured, and a final layer of asphalt is applied and sealed to all roads. Lots are then topsoiled to accord with finished surface levels, in line with approved engineering plans.

Construction completion and request for authority approvals

At the completion of civil construction, Brisbane City Council undertake an assessment to confirm the completed works are in accordance with approved engineering designs for that stage.

Formal approval or ‘Practical Completion’ is required prior to Pask and its consultant team seeking final approval from the relevant service authorities (ie. Energex, Urban Utilities etc). Once all authority approvals are received, a final endorsement known as ‘Plan Sealing’ occurs.

Title registration and settlements

The issuance of the Sealed Plan by Brisbane City Council enables lodgement with Titles Queensland for assessment and approval.

This approval will result in the formal registration of all individual lot titles for the stage. At such time, we will issue correspondence to your legal representative with an accompanying request to schedule settlement.

Evergreen Stage 3C
0% Complete

Title Registration:

Construction Phases

  • Authority Approval
  • Earthworks
  • Sewer & Drainage
  • Water & Gas
  • Subgrade
  • Kerb & Channel
  • Electrical & NBN
  • Footpaths & Asphalt
  • Construction Completion
  • Plan Sealing
  • Titles & Plan Registration

Expected timeframes are provided as a guide only. Actual completion dates may vary due to market and weather conditions, availability of resources, delays in approvals or other factors.
Note – ‘% Complete’ relates to overall stage progress.

Construction Phases

Commencement of bulk earthworks

Following receipt of all necessary approvals, Pask’s appointed civil contractor will mobilise to site to remove any existing structures and commence bulk earthworks.

Within this phase, machinery is used to shift large quantities of soil and rock, to enable the subsequent phases of the civil construction process to occur. To reduce waste, this material is often stockpiled and reused in the later phases.

Construction of sewer & drainage and installation of water & gas

Large trenches are excavated to allow for the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure. These works generally connect into and extend trunk infrastructure from existing areas, to then enable the creation of individual connection points for all lots within the stage.

Following the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure, water, recycled water, and gas (where applicable) services are installed.

Construction of roads, kerb, and channel

A foundation layer known as subgrade is placed to ensure the stability and durability of all roads within the stage.

This process is followed by the construction of kerb and channel – a structure located on both sides of the road, which will act as both a protective barrier and drainage system to manage stormwater flows.

Installation of electrical and communication infrastructure

Parallel to the newly completed kerb and channel, a trench is excavated to allow for the installation of electrical and communications conduits. This enables the installation of applicable cabling to follow, ensuring all lots are equipped for electrical and telecommunications services.

Construction of footpaths, asphalt to roads and topsoiling

With all underground infrastructure installed, footpaths are poured, and a final layer of asphalt is applied and sealed to all roads. Lots are then topsoiled to accord with finished surface levels, in line with approved engineering plans.

Construction completion and request for authority approvals

At the completion of civil construction, Brisbane City Council undertake an assessment to confirm the completed works are in accordance with approved engineering designs for that stage.

Formal approval or ‘Practical Completion’ is required prior to Pask and its consultant team seeking final approval from the relevant service authorities (ie. Energex, Urban Utilities etc). Once all authority approvals are received, a final endorsement known as ‘Plan Sealing’ occurs.

Title registration and settlements

The issuance of the Sealed Plan by Brisbane City Council enables lodgement with Titles Queensland for assessment and approval.

This approval will result in the formal registration of all individual lot titles for the stage. At such time, we will issue correspondence to your legal representative with an accompanying request to schedule settlement.

Evergreen Stage 3B
0% Complete

Title Registration:

Construction Phases

  • Authority Approval
  • Earthworks
  • Sewer & Drainage
  • Water & Gas
  • Subgrade
  • Kerb & Channel
  • Electrical & NBN
  • Footpaths & Asphalt
  • Construction Completion
  • Plan Sealing
  • Titles & Plan Registration

Expected timeframes are provided as a guide only. Actual completion dates may vary due to market and weather conditions, availability of resources, delays in approvals or other factors.
Note – ‘% Complete’ relates to overall stage progress.

Construction Phases

Commencement of bulk earthworks

Following receipt of all necessary approvals, Pask’s appointed civil contractor will mobilise to site to remove any existing structures and commence bulk earthworks.

Within this phase, machinery is used to shift large quantities of soil and rock, to enable the subsequent phases of the civil construction process to occur. To reduce waste, this material is often stockpiled and reused in the later phases.

Construction of sewer & drainage and installation of water & gas

Large trenches are excavated to allow for the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure. These works generally connect into and extend trunk infrastructure from existing areas, to then enable the creation of individual connection points for all lots within the stage.

Following the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure, water, recycled water, and gas (where applicable) services are installed.

Construction of roads, kerb, and channel

A foundation layer known as subgrade is placed to ensure the stability and durability of all roads within the stage.

This process is followed by the construction of kerb and channel – a structure located on both sides of the road, which will act as both a protective barrier and drainage system to manage stormwater flows.

Installation of electrical and communication infrastructure

Parallel to the newly completed kerb and channel, a trench is excavated to allow for the installation of electrical and communications conduits. This enables the installation of applicable cabling to follow, ensuring all lots are equipped for electrical and telecommunications services.

Construction of footpaths, asphalt to roads and topsoiling

With all underground infrastructure installed, footpaths are poured, and a final layer of asphalt is applied and sealed to all roads. Lots are then topsoiled to accord with finished surface levels, in line with approved engineering plans.

Construction completion and request for authority approvals

At the completion of civil construction, Brisbane City Council undertake an assessment to confirm the completed works are in accordance with approved engineering designs for that stage.

Formal approval or ‘Practical Completion’ is required prior to Pask and its consultant team seeking final approval from the relevant service authorities (ie. Energex, Urban Utilities etc). Once all authority approvals are received, a final endorsement known as ‘Plan Sealing’ occurs.

Title registration and settlements

The issuance of the Sealed Plan by Brisbane City Council enables lodgement with Titles Queensland for assessment and approval.

This approval will result in the formal registration of all individual lot titles for the stage. At such time, we will issue correspondence to your legal representative with an accompanying request to schedule settlement.

The Pinnacle Stage 4
0% Complete

Title Registration:
Q3 2024

Construction Phases

  • Authority Approval
  • Earthworks
  • Sewer & Drainage
  • Water & Gas
  • Subgrade
  • Kerb & Channel
  • Electrical & NBN
  • Footpaths & Asphalt
  • Construction Completion
  • Plan Sealing
  • Titles & Plan Registration

Expected timeframes are provided as a guide only. Actual completion dates may vary due to market and weather conditions, availability of resources, delays in approvals or other factors.
Note – ‘% Complete’ relates to overall stage progress.

Construction Phases

Commencement of bulk earthworks

Following receipt of all necessary approvals, Pask’s appointed civil contractor will mobilise to site to remove any existing structures and commence bulk earthworks.

Within this phase, machinery is used to shift large quantities of soil and rock, to enable the subsequent phases of the civil construction process to occur. To reduce waste, this material is often stockpiled and reused in the later phases.

Construction of sewer & drainage and installation of water & gas

Large trenches are excavated to allow for the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure. These works generally connect into and extend trunk infrastructure from existing areas, to then enable the creation of individual connection points for all lots within the stage.

Following the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure, water, recycled water, and gas (where applicable) services are installed.

Construction of roads, kerb, and channel

A foundation layer known as subgrade is placed to ensure the stability and durability of all roads within the stage.

This process is followed by the construction of kerb and channel – a structure located on both sides of the road, which will act as both a protective barrier and drainage system to manage stormwater flows.

Installation of electrical and communication infrastructure

Parallel to the newly completed kerb and channel, a trench is excavated to allow for the installation of electrical and communications conduits. This enables the installation of applicable cabling to follow, ensuring all lots are equipped for electrical and telecommunications services.

Construction of footpaths, asphalt to roads and topsoiling

With all underground infrastructure installed, footpaths are poured, and a final layer of asphalt is applied and sealed to all roads. Lots are then topsoiled to accord with finished surface levels, in line with approved engineering plans.

Construction completion and request for authority approvals

At the completion of civil construction, Brisbane City Council undertake an assessment to confirm the completed works are in accordance with approved engineering designs for that stage.

Formal approval or ‘Practical Completion’ is required prior to Pask and its consultant team seeking final approval from the relevant service authorities (ie. Energex, Urban Utilities etc). Once all authority approvals are received, a final endorsement known as ‘Plan Sealing’ occurs.

Title registration and settlements

The issuance of the Sealed Plan by Brisbane City Council enables lodgement with Titles Queensland for assessment and approval.

This approval will result in the formal registration of all individual lot titles for the stage. At such time, we will issue correspondence to your legal representative with an accompanying request to schedule settlement.

Evergreen Stage 5
0% Complete

Title Registration:

Construction Phases

  • Authority Approval
  • Earthworks
  • Sewer & Drainage
  • Water & Gas
  • Subgrade
  • Kerb & Channel
  • Electrical & NBN
  • Footpaths & Asphalt
  • Construction Completion
  • Plan Sealing
  • Titles & Plan Registration

Expected timeframes are provided as a guide only. Actual completion dates may vary due to market and weather conditions, availability of resources, delays in approvals or other factors.
Note – ‘% Complete’ relates to overall stage progress.

Construction Phases

Commencement of bulk earthworks

Following receipt of all necessary approvals, Pask’s appointed civil contractor will mobilise to site to remove any existing structures and commence bulk earthworks.

Within this phase, machinery is used to shift large quantities of soil and rock, to enable the subsequent phases of the civil construction process to occur. To reduce waste, this material is often stockpiled and reused in the later phases.

Construction of sewer & drainage and installation of water & gas

Large trenches are excavated to allow for the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure. These works generally connect into and extend trunk infrastructure from existing areas, to then enable the creation of individual connection points for all lots within the stage.

Following the installation of sewer and drainage infrastructure, water, recycled water, and gas (where applicable) services are installed.

Construction of roads, kerb, and channel

A foundation layer known as subgrade is placed to ensure the stability and durability of all roads within the stage.

This process is followed by the construction of kerb and channel – a structure located on both sides of the road, which will act as both a protective barrier and drainage system to manage stormwater flows.

Installation of electrical and communication infrastructure

Parallel to the newly completed kerb and channel, a trench is excavated to allow for the installation of electrical and communications conduits. This enables the installation of applicable cabling to follow, ensuring all lots are equipped for electrical and telecommunications services.

Construction of footpaths, asphalt to roads and topsoiling

With all underground infrastructure installed, footpaths are poured, and a final layer of asphalt is applied and sealed to all roads. Lots are then topsoiled to accord with finished surface levels, in line with approved engineering plans.

Construction completion and request for authority approvals

At the completion of civil construction, Brisbane City Council undertake an assessment to confirm the completed works are in accordance with approved engineering designs for that stage.

Formal approval or ‘Practical Completion’ is required prior to Pask and its consultant team seeking final approval from the relevant service authorities (ie. Energex, Urban Utilities etc). Once all authority approvals are received, a final endorsement known as ‘Plan Sealing’ occurs.

Title registration and settlements

The issuance of the Sealed Plan by Brisbane City Council enables lodgement with Titles Queensland for assessment and approval.

This approval will result in the formal registration of all individual lot titles for the stage. At such time, we will issue correspondence to your legal representative with an accompanying request to schedule settlement.

Evergreen Stage 4
0% Complete

Title Registration:

Construction Phases

  • Authority Approval
  • Earthworks
  • Sewer & Drainage
  • Water & Gas
  • Subgrade
  • Kerb & Channel
  • Electrical & NBN
  • Footpaths & Asphalt
  • Construction Completion
  • Plan Sealing
  • Titles & Plan Registration

Expected timeframes are provided as a guide only. Actual completion dates may vary due to market and weather conditions, availability of resources, delays in approvals or other factors.
Note – ‘% Complete’ relates to overall stage progress.

Construction Phases